This board is to go a bit more in depth on those recipes. I'm making this again as soon as I get more Wyeast 1335. This sounds really good. Mashing this now! This recipe is split: If you want the full hop and no chocolate, keep the full hopping load and skip the extras. Never seen that before. She seems to be able to pick up that flavor very easily. 1.5% Lactose and 1% Maltodextrin (to taste) Instructions: For 3 gallons, toast 1 lb shredded coconut at 300F until well browned. However, not everyone is weird like me, so here is a chocolate filled stout you can really sink your teeth into. Today, I thought I was going to bottle, but the hydrometer reading was still at 1.021. It looks like they have multiple water analyses. I'll let you know how it turns out in a few weeks. Tasted darn good going into the carboy, can't wait to taste it again in a few weeks. Extract with Grains Grain Bill 1 lb Crystal Malt 80*L 12 oz Chocolate Malt 4 oz Black Patent Malt 6 lbs Dark DME 1 oz Chinook Pellets(30 Min) 1 oz Chinook Pellets(10 Min) 1 tsp Irish Moss (15 Min) 8 oz Lactose (15 Min) 1 oz Centennial Pellets (5 min) The consensus seems to be that White (or Pale, though some use that to describe a beer that’s more amber than pale) Stout is predominately a blond… Tried some this past weekend and still need more carbing, but does taste fine. JavaScript is disabled. 4oz Granulated Sugar @ Boil. Thanks for the updates! 12.0 oz Victory Malt (25.0 SRM) Grain 6.82 %. Specialty, Fruit, Historical, Other Recipes,,, Aeration System Introducing lead and Lead Compounds into wort, FREE TEST for Inkbird new product IBS-TH2 temperature sensor. .5oz Vanilla Bean @ Secondary. Bob likes to have a cup of coffee after dinner, and I like this stout as my post-dinner drink. Gonna brew up a Milk Stout for Santa tonight. I'm just curious if its anything like the 1335 profile wise. The result is the newly released Team Toxic Sinistral White Stout. The recipe also includes some black patent and pale chocolate. So I transferred to a 2ndary and pitched a half pack of Notty. I'm going to have to give this a try after I finish the Oatmeal Stout and Choc Stout in my kegarator... That's my deal exactly. 8.0 oz Black Barley (Stout) (500.0 SRM) Grain 4.55 %. Been in the keg for 2ish weeks, and it's great. Very smooth, just some roast, and full-bodied. I'm going to make it again, probably at the end of March, because I like it as an after-dinner beer. Yooper, I have had the beer fermenting 4 weeks. Awesome! Has anyone tried this recipe or any other milk stouts that are worthwhile? HomeBrewTalk - 439 Followers, 342 Following, 442 pins | HomeBrewTalk is the online homebrewing magazine, and community. Total Grain Weight: 14.00 lb. I am wanting to make this soon but I have a question regarding the black barley, is it the same as black patent malt? heres one i did this year. I'd like to get this done. After fermentation has been completed, add coconut and 1oz medium roast whole bean coffee to a muslin bag and steep for 2 weeks or until you are happy with the flavors. A blonde ale that has the spirit of a dark, rich stout. Kyle. Ordering ingredients today! I'm excited about this beer- first AG stout. It was like drinking sweetened (but not too sweet) coffee! I've got my version in plastic. Recipes / March 23, 2015 by Brendan Hanson / 2 Comments. We’re flying somewhat blind here when talking about White Stout as a “style.” As it isn’t yet properly recognized by the Beer Judge Certification Program or Brewers Association guidelines, we’re left with the “common law” guidance of the beers that go under that moniker in the marketplace. Marcus Baskerville Jan 19, 2021 - 2 min read . Berkeley, Calif., brewery Triple Rock makes White Chocolate Milk Stout, a pale Milk Stout that uses cacao and licorice to make it taste more like the modern understanding of the style. I dunno- I use ale pails and haven't ever seen it! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It might be enough, but oats take longer to convert than, say, Munich malt. 7 lbs Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 63.64 %. Do you find that the black barley is not as astringent as roasted barley? Gonna brew up a Milk Stout for Santa tonight. After a 3 week fermentation, I added a 1 week cold crash for clarity. The milk stout came out great..!! Tasted like Bailey's and similary to Southern Tier's Choc Stout, except a hint of oatmeal. 3oz White Chocolate @ Whirlpool. The goal with this beer was to create a beer that had elements of a stout without the traditionally dark color. While it doesn't quite register as a stout… A dose of natural white chocolate flavoring makes this a complex and deliciously -drinkable beer. The head brewer, cofounder, and “mad scientist” of Weathered Souls in San Antonio, Texas, shares this homebrew recipe that was an award-winner for him before he went pro. This is one of our favorite house beers. See more ideas about Homebrewtalk, Home brewing, Brewing. So I'd still go with 60 minutes at a minimum! This won't last long. Single Infusion, Medium Body. ----------------------------. I just started with Black Barley and it seems promising. What do you use to test your water? Hydrometer sample was great, I can't wait to drink this. this is fantastic. Brewgr is an online homebrew community and recipe calculator to help homebrewers find, create and share homebrew recipes with other homebrewers. This looks great. Brewer: Zeke Batch Size: 10.00 gal Style: Dry Stout (13A) Boil Size: 10.90 gal Style Guide: BJCP 2008 Color: 23.7 SRM Equipment: 9 Gallon Brew Pot Bitterness: 31.6 IBUs Boil Time: 60 min Est OG: 1.042 (10.6° P) Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge Est FG: 1.011 SG (2.8° P) Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage ABV: 4.1% Taste Rating: 30.0 Yooper, I made this following your original recipe with 1335. 2 more weeks then its time to bottle. It smells awesome! That's been my favorite strain with this recipe, and it really gives a great mouthfeel to it. Trying this recepie.. 2nd fermentation now.. Yooper, I have PM'd you regarding the difference between the two chocolate malt ingredients. Brewed up a batch of this this morning - my second stout ever and first one all grain. Parent Tags: FLAVORED BEER - FLAVORED - ALE. Brewing a White Stout – The Inspiration. Some like to think winter time is for darker beers, but I still enjoy lighter fruit beers when the temperatures drop. I think I shall give that one a shot as well. Thanks Yooper, brew day went well, bubbling away nicely this morning. You may also see this labeled as a white stout. 1 lbs Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM) Grain 9.09 %. I was suprised to see NO cake at the bottom of the fermenter. View all White Stout posts. Started in 2004, HomeBrewTalk has turned countless men … Recipe: Marcus Baskerville’s Homebrewed Imperial Stout. But as soon as I saw a ‘White Stout’ on their beer menu, I knew I had to try it. What is the appropriate mash time at this temperature? Have you tried the WLP011 european ale yeast? A WHITE STOUT, GOLDEN STOUT or BLONDE STOUT can either used to describe a coffee forward beer where the SRM is blonde or golden in colour and/or to describe a beer the brewer calls a white / golden … They are not interchangeable, although the names are very close! In mash it just. 3.5oz Cocoa Nibs @ Secondary. Very mellow with just the right coffee tones and so smooth. Thanks Yoop! I had never seen or heard of a white stout before and was curious to see what it was all about. 10.0 oz Chocolate malt (pale) (200.0 SRM) Grain 5.68 %. Here's the recipe, let me know what you think..... OH Wow! Brewing a White Stout – The Recipe View all White Stout posts After being inspired by Track 7’s White Stout, the discussion about how to create a white stout got much more serious. The recipe is simple: good pilsner malt, lots of Saaz hops (you can suppliment the bittering addition with a clean bittering European variety like Magnum or Northern … Thanks for the info, I'm definitely trying your recipe after the holidays! I tasted the gravity sample, and it was quite yummy. Because it was winter in St. Paul I used a lager yeast. My version is two weeks from bottle conditioning 3 months. We began researching an formulating our recip… I want to make my own milk stout someday, but i love Left Hands, and No Label's milk stout. But it really tasted GREAT. Access this issue along with the archives with Zymurgy Online!. This stuff is great. Well, this is a bit later than promised in our prior posts Brewing a White Stout – The Inspiration and Brewing a White Stout – The Recipe.After having some computer problems (failed hard drive), I finally got the rig running again and found a little time to pour myself a glass and sit down and share the results. Is that typical of this yeast? so we just launched our newest four part series "The HomeBrewTalk Top 100". I normally do 60 minutes, but beersmith says 45 is enough. All grain stout made from buckwheat, rice and chestnut chips. 3.5oz Coarse Ground Coffee @ Secondary. OG was 1.055, FG at 1.014 for a BeerSmith ABV of 5.35%. I sent a sample to Ward Labs- it was only $16, and well worth it! VIEW RECIPE HERE Mine's in the mash tun now. Very pleased with this so far, at only 10 days since brewing. Cascade Brewing makes a delicious example of this style -- Oblique Black and White Coffee Stout. That's what my LHBS has but they say use it sparingly less it impart a charred flavor. I've never used it before. You must log in or register to reply here. After 2 week carb. BEER STYLE Dominance: ROAST - FLAVORED (COFFEE) Search Terms: White Stout, Golden Stout, Blond Stout, Blonde Stout, Stout Blanc, Coffee Blonde. Step Time Name Description Step Temp. A Chocolate Milk Stout Recipe for Those Cold Winter Days. I just used it on a porter and its fantastic. 60 min Mash In Add 17.50 qt of water at 168.8 F 154.0 F. 10 min Mash Out … I’m not the conventional beer drinker. Rob Vrabel of Farmington Hills, MI, member of the Kuhnhenn Guild of Brewers Homebrew Club, won a gold medal in Category #13: Stout during the 2014 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in Grand Rapids, MI. Ingredients: 2 lbs dark roasted malted buckwheat; 1 lb malted buckwheat, unroasted; 1 lb roasted (to black) white rice; 1 lb dark belgian candi sugar; 1 lb chestnuts.9 oz willamette @60 min (4.7%AA).25 oz wllamette @ 10 min (4.7%AA) 2 Tbsp. I used 3/4 of a pound of it in an Irish Stout and it's like drinking a good Italian espresso: the poor even smells like fresh roasted coffee. Just mixed it up last night---our first brew, this one is labeled "easy" from the BB kit. JavaScript is disabled. 8.0 oz Barley, Flaked (1.7 SRM) Grain 4.55 %. This homebrew recipe uses the following ingredients: Maris Otter Pale - UK, Flaked Oats - US, Malted Oats - US, Rye - US, Caramel/Crystal 40 - US, Caramel/Crystal 60 - US, Crystal 120L - CA, Liquid Malt Extract - Pilsen - US, Lactose - Milk Sugar - US, Maltodextrin - US, Northern Brewer Hops, Chinook Hops, Simcoe Hops, Warrior Hops, White Labs London Ale WLP013 Homebrew Yeast. I used: 1 lb lactose and 0.75 lb C80. . I did add 6 oz of cocoa slurry for last 10 minutes of boil. Thanks for all your suggestions!! I just bottled a milk stout based on Jamil's recipe. From White Stout to Black IPA: Four Homebrew Mash-Up Recipes Inspired by blog posts and magazine articles, I took a stab at this rare beer style. You must log in or register to reply here. Interestingly, I have lots of airlock bubbles and lots of yeast visibly swirling around in the wort, but virtually no krausen. Black barley really is wonderful. My batch has been in the bottles for about two months now and it is one of my new favorites. This looks great! Thank you much, great recipe. Got myself confused with the 2 chocolate malts, but luckily was able to crush up what I needed and add to the mash. The following beer recipe is featured in the September/October 2014 issue of Zymurgy magazine. I bottle, so I have a few weeks before it'll be conditioned and carb'd. I bet it is "to die for". There wasn't too much activity in the airlock, but is must be fermenting. Jul 11, 2015 - At HomeBrewTalk we're often asked "What's your most popular recipes?" Yooper, I'm making this tomorrow and I've never done a 156 degree mash. Going to make this my next brew... only other oatmeal stout I've made had definite astringency, so I'm hoping this time 'round I can avoid that. I overshot my mash temp a little so I finished high, 1.020, but it's still really good, not too sweet. Bottled today, after 17 days in primary. Cannot wait, thanks for this thread..!! Specialty, Fruit, Historical, Other Recipes,,,, Aeration System Introducing lead and Lead Compounds into wort, FREE TEST for Inkbird new product IBS-TH2 temperature sensor. Transferring to keg now, and the hydro sample is fantastic- even at 68 degrees! My SWMBO doesn't care for the roasty beers. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 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