Fax: + 33 3 89 20 43 79 Dans chacun des cas, au moins trois élèves ont été diagnostiqués positifs. Isle of Man, | CBP | ICE | USCIS | CISA | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |, | CBP | FEMA | TSA | S&T | OPS | PLCY | PRIV |, | CBP | ICE | USCIS | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |, DHS Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms (DAAT) List, Customs and Border Protection Air & Marine (CBP/A&M), anti-aircraft improvised explosive device incident, Airport Access Authorization to Commercial Establishments, American Association of Airport Executives, Automated, Adaptive Chemical Examination System, Assistant Associate Director for Public & Intergovernmental Affairs, American Association of Exporters and Importers, Automated Acquisition Management System (ProTrac / ProDoc), American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, American Association of People with Disabilities, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Automatic Chemical Agent Detection and Alarm, Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System, Advanced Chemical/Biological Integrated Response Course, United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Automated Commercial Environment (secure data portal), American Council of Government Industrial Hygienists, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Airports Council International--North America, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, Advisory Commission on Inter-governmental Relations, Aviation Credential Interoperability Solution, Advisory Council on Professional Standards for Emergency Managers, Advanced Container Security Device (see CSD), Adventist Community Services Disaster Response, American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, Agent Characteristics Toxicity - First Aid and Special Treatment, Advanced Concepts Technology Demonstration, Association of Corporate Travel Executives, Automated Disaster Assistance Management System, Automated Decision Aid System for Hazardous Incidents, Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation, Arkansas Department of Emergency Management, Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, Automated Data Telecommunications Service, Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight and Semantic Enhancement, Army Environmental Center (Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland), Aero-Medical Evacuation Coordination Center, Achieving Extraordinary Customer Relations, Analysis and Evaluation of Operation Data, Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, Alliance for Fire and Emergency Management, Air Force Electronic Warfare Evaluation Simulator, Association for Federal Information Resources Management, American Federation of Government Employees, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrialized Organizations, Asset Forfeiture & Money Laundering Section, Air Force National Security Emergency Preparedness, Armed Force Radiobiology Research Institute, Alternate Governor’s Authorized Representative, Adjutants General Association of the United States, Associated General Contractors of America, Advanced Geospatial Imagery Library Enterprise, Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Antiterrorism Intelligence Awareness Training Program, American Institute of Biological Sciences, Automated Inventory Control (formerly AIS), American Indian Higher Education Consortium, Administration and Logistics Branch (US-VISIT), Aerial Locations Of Hazardous Atmospheres, Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (aka: "LIDAR"), Alternate Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator, Automated Major Emergency Action Guidelist System, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, Academic Network for Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease, Association of National Olympic Committees, Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking [see NPRM and SNPRM], Alternate National Processing Service Center, American National Standards Institute-Homeland Securities Standards Panel, authorizing official [special access program], Association for Official Analytical Communities, Aircraft Operator Standard Security Program, anti-personnel improvised explosive device incident, Association of Public Safety Communications [Worldwide], Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Association of Public Health Laboratories, Acquisition and Program Management Branch (US-VISIT), Academe and Policy Research Advisory Committee, American Public Transportation Associations, Association of Public Television Stations, Advanced Radiological Accident Assessment, applicable or relevant and appropriate requirement, Automated Resource for Chemical Hazard Incident Evaluation, Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory, Autonomous Rapid Facility Chemical Agent Monitor, Airborne Rapid Imagery for Emergency Support, Automated Regional Justice Information System, Airborne Reconnaissance Low - Multifunction, Automated Resource Management System (FEMA), Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, Automatic Residential Remote Alarm System, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installation, Logistics and Environment), All-Hazards Situation Assessment Prototype, Automated Standard Application for Payments, Automated Sorting, Conversion and Distribution System, American Standard Code for Information Interchange, Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Services, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Homeland Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense (Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict), Automated Systems Disaster Recovery Capabilities, Association of State Dam Safety Officials, Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Assistant Secretary for Information Analysis, Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection, Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators, American Society of Professional Estimators, Airborne Spectral Photographic Environmental Collection Technology, Airborne Spectral Environmental Collection Technology, Assistant Secretary for Public Health Emergency Preparedness, American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Advanced Simulation and Software Engineering Technology, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, American Society for Testing and Materials, Airport and Seaport User Fee Advisory Committee, INS, Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team, Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [Bureau of], Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry (USPHS), Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (see WCATWC), Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System, Business Alliance for Customs Modernization, Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (Team), Biomedical Advanced Research & Development Authority, Bay Area Regional Earthquake Preparedness Project, Biological Aerosol Sentry and Information System, Board of Building Regulations and Standards, Bureau for Citizenship and Immigration Services (see USCIS), Board for the Coordination of Model Codes, Business Executives for National Security, Building Engagement, Strengths and Talent, Budget and Financial Management Branch (US-VISIT), Board of Immigration Appeals/Affairs (DOJ), Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Basic Investigation of Computer and Electronic Crimes Program, Business and Industry Council for Emergency Preparedness and Planning, Boise Interagency Fire Center (see NIFC or NIFCC), biological improvised explosive device enhancement, Biometric Identification Technology Ethics, Biodefense Knowledge Center [Part of NBACC, National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center], Basic Law Enforcement Supervisor Training Program, Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, Borders and Maritime Security Division (S&T/BMD), Biological, Nuclear, Incendiary, Chemical, Explosive, Building Officials and Code Administrators, Business Operations Services and Human Capital Division (S&T/BOD), Border Patrol Search, Trauma and Rescue Team, Business Policy and Planning Branch (US-VISIT), Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program, Border Release Advance Screening & Selectivity, Building Respect in Diverse Groups to Enhance Security, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (aka: “Mad Cow Disease”), Biological Threat Characterization Program, Border and Transportation Security (former DHS Directorate, contained CBP, ICE, TSA and FLETC), Biological Warning and Incident Characterization, Command, Control, Communications, Information, Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Command, Control, Communications and Computers, C4+Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Cargo Advanced Automated Radiography System, Chemical and Biological Information Network, Computer-Assisted CSEPP Training Information System, Computer-Assisted Design for Exercise Training, Committee for Animal Emergency Management, Competitive Analysis and Evaluation Office, Community Awareness and Emergency Response, Chemical Accident/Incident Control Officer, Chemical Accident/Incident Response and Assistance, Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations, Center for Advancing Microbiological Risk Assessment, Consortia of Administrators for Native American Rehabilitators, Controlled Access Program Coordination Office, Corrective Action Program - Federal Agency Support Services Element, Computer Assisted Passenger Pre-screening System, Critical Asset and Portfolio Risk Analysis, Corrective Action Program - State Support Services Element, Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training, Chief, Aerial Reconnaissance Coordination -All Hurricanes, Collaborative Agencies for Responding to Disasters, Continental Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment, Community and Regional Resilience Initiative, Criticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability, Effect and Recognizability, C-130 Airborne Sensor with Palletized Electronic Reconnaissance, Chemical/Biological Countermeasures Training, Chemical and Biological Division (S&T/CBD), Chemical and Biological Defense Command (see SBCCOM), Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework, Chemical and Biological Information Analysis Center, Chemical/Biological Incident Response Force (USMC), Customs and Border Protection, United States, United States Customs and Border Protection Modernization Office, Chemical and Biological Research and Development Sector, Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982 (see COBRA), Chemical, Biological and Radiological Defense, Chemical & Biological, Research, Development & Engineering Center, Chemical/Biological Rapid Deployment Team, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High-Yield Explosive - Consequence Management, Chemical & Biological Rapid Response Team, Chemical, Biological and Radiological Technology Alliance, Comprehensive Cooperative Agreement (see CA), Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility, Comprehensive Cooperative Agreement Monitoring System, Center for Commercialization of Advanced Technology, Corporate Communications Division (S&T&CCD), (National Institute of Justice) Center for Civil Force Protection, Counterterrorism Cyber-crime Investigations Training Program, Consultative Committee for International Telephony and Telegraphy, Crisis Consequence Management Information System, CBRNE Consequence Management Response Force, Consultative Committee on Natural Disasters, Characteristics and Common Vulnerabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency, Catastrophic Disaster Response Group - Primary Agency Committee, Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program, Crisis and Emergency Management Information System, Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, Cost Estimating for the Public Assistance Program, Expert Panel on, Catastrophic Emergency Preparedness Initiative, Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (aka: “Superfund”), Communications-Electronics Research Development and Engineering Center, California Environmental Resources Evaluation System, Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center, Commission on Fire Accreditation International, Chemical Facility Antiterrorism Standards, Center for Faith Based and Community Initiatives (FEMA/CFBCI), Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area, Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Safety Advisory Committee, Certified Fraud Specialists, Association of, Center for Geophysical Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface, Comprehensive HAZMAT Emergency Response Capability Assessment Program, Community Hazards Emergency Response - Capability Assurance Process, Capability and Hazard Identification Program, Critical Homeland Infrastructure Protection, Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (United States Army), Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law, Chemical Hazard Response Information System, Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs Division, Criminal Investigation in Automated Equipment Training Program, Critical Infrastructure Assurance Officer, Center for Intelligence Collection Analysis and Dissemination, DHS Counterintelligence Coordinating Council, Critical Infrastructure Coordination Group, Command, Control and Interoperability Division (S&T/CID), Criminal Investigation Division or Department, (split) Community Identification, Computer Interactive Display, Entry, and Retrieval, Critical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002, Counterintelligence and Investigations Division (DHS), Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies Integrator, Critical Infrastructure Inspection Management System, Critical Infrastructure Information Protection Interagency Working Group, Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Interagency Working Group, Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources, Critical Incident Management Response Team, Correspondence and Issues Management System, Critical Incident Management Support Team, Commander-in-Chief, North American Aerospace Defense Command, Commander-in-Chief, Special Operations Command, Commander-in-Chief, Transportation Command, Center for Integration of Natural Disaster Information, Compact Integrated Narcotics Detector Instrument, Catastrophic Incident of National Significance, Critical Infrastructure Protection Interagency Working Group, Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council, Critical Infrastructure Protection Information Center, Certified Information Privacy Professionals, Critical Infrastructure Protection Working Group, Catastrophic Incident Response Execution Schedule, Council of Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards, see USCIS for Citizenship and Immigration Services, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman, Central Information Systems Storage Center, Computer Intrusion Threat Assessment Center, Commercial Information Technology for Multinational Operations, Computer Linked Application Information Management System, Crisis Management Center Augmentation Cadre, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Corporation for National and Community Service, Computer Network Defense Service Provider, Counternarcotics Enforcement, Office of (formerly CNO), Cooperating Nations Information Exchange System, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Chemical & Nuclear Preparedness and Protection Division, Classified National Security Information Program, Commission for Nuclear Safety and Safeguards, Critical Nuclear Weapons Design Information, Community Organizations Active In Disaster, Chemical, Ordnance, Biological, Radiological, Continuity of Government Readiness Conditions System, Community On-Line Intelligence System for End Users and Managers, Consequence Management News, Equipment and Training, United States Government Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan (see NRP), Common Object Request Broker Architecture, commercialization operational requirements document, Citizens of Oakland Respond to Emergencies, capabilities, objectives, resources and evaluation, Computer Software Management and Information Center (NASA), Chief of Staff Office/Operations (former DHS Subcomponent), Chief of Staff Office/Policy (former DHS Subcomponent), Cellular Over the Horizon Enforcement Network, Contracting Officer's Technical Representative, Commercial Operations of the United States Customs Svc, Advisory Committee on, Consolidated Priority Organization Target, Certified Professional Property Administrator, Certified Professional Property Specialist, Contingency Planning and Support Division, Comprehensive Passenger Screening Profile, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, Cooperative Research and Development Agreement, Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Office of, Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Cybersecurity Research & Development Center, United States Civilian Research & Development Foundation, Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events, Crisis (or Communications) Resource Manager, Counterterrorism Reporting on Suspicious Surveillance, Comprehensive Reference Resource Database, (United States Army) Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory, (Hurricane Katrina) Comprehensive Review Working Group, Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, Cyber Security and Communications, Office of (NPPD/CS&C), Cyber Security and Telecommunication (see CS&C), United States Chemical Safety & Hazard Investigation Board, Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata, Center for the Study of Emergency Management, Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program, Campus Safety, Health & Environmental Management Associations, Chemical Safety and Hazards Investigation Board, Compliance Safety and Health Officer- OSHA, Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk, Computer Security Incident Response Center, Center for Strategic International Studies, California Strong-Motion Instrumentation Program, Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service, Civil Support Team (National Guard--for WMD), Cyber Security Tracking, Analysis and Response Center, Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, Counterterrorism and National Preparedness Exercise Sub-Group, Chemical Transportation Advisory Committee, Counterproliferation Technology Coordinating Committee, Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association, Common Terrorism Information Sharing Standards, Connecticut Office of Emergency Management, Counter-Terrorism Operations Training Facility, Cooperating Technical Partners (Initiative), Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering, Central United States Earthquake Consortium, Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association, Critical Infrastructure Warning Information Network, An Army computer dispersion modeling capability, An Army computer dispersion modeling capability that can factor in terrain and wind changes, Disaster Assistance Center (or Direct Air Carrier), Disaster Assistance Employee [aka: "SAE"], Disaster Assistance Logistics Information System, Disaster Accountability Management System, Direct Assistance Replacement Assistance Consideration, Disaster Automated Reporting and Information System, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for the Elimination of Chemical Weapons, Designated Agency Safety and Health Official, Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act, Indicating The Method Used to Weight Sound Frequencies When Measuring Sound Pressure Levels, Demilitarization Chemical Agent Concentrator, Document Control and Accountability System, Disaster Coordinating Element/ Medical Task Force, District of Columbia Emergency Management Agency, Director of Central Intelligence Directive, Digital Evidence Acquisition Specialist Training Program, Department of Economic and Community Development, Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (CDC), Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System, Department of Energy and Military Affairs, Domestic Emergency Response Information Services, Delegation of Financial Assistance Authority, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map - Digital Line Graph, Disaster Field Operations Management Course, Department of Housing and Community Development, Disaster Housing Officer (replaced by IA Program/HA Manager), Disaster Housing Program (replaced by IHP/HA), Department of Homeland Security Intelligence Enterprise, Department of Housing and Urban Development (also HUD), Detection, Identification, and Assessment, Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System, Drug Intelligence Method of Operation System, Disaster Information System Clearinghouse, Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office, Defense Industrial Security Clearance Officer, Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (also called DMA 2000 or DMA2K), Data Management Improvement Act Task Force, INS, Disaster Management Interoperability Services, Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team, Defense Medical Regulating Information System, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (see CWMD), Department of Defense Explosive Safety Board, United States Department of Education (see ED), United States Department of Transportation, (Drop points are numbered and marked locations on a fire where people meet, equipment is exchanged, and resources may be stationed. 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